Azores Bradt travel guide is the only comprehensive guidebook to the nine-island archipelago, a nature-lovers’ wilderness perched at the western extremity of Europe in the mid-Atlantic, and one of the best places in the world for whale watching. This new edition has been thoroughly updated and also has an expanded focus taking in the land- and sea-based activities which have become a significant part of Azores attractions in the past few years. In Bradt’s Azores, full background and practical information is complemented by a region-by-region breakdown and nine chapters - one per island - to provide all the details needed for a successful visit. There are also 29 maps and separate sections on language and the islands’ flora. This new edition includes details of Ponta Delgada’s new 5-star hotels and Santa Maria’s new round-island walk, plus a full update on the accommodation upgrades that have taken place in recent times. Information about new way-marked walks is also covered, plus new bike-hire and whale-watching companies.Safe and welcoming, the islands attract geologists, bird-watchers, whale-watchers and anyone who loves nature in all its forms. Mountaineers head to Pico to climb Portugal’s highest peak, while the diverse landscape makes a suitable backdrop for excellent walking, mountain-biking or canyoning.
Updated edition Oct 2019