The ultimate photographic guide to more than 650 species of birds found in North America. Ideal for the armchair bird enthusiast or dedicated bird-watcher, this beautiful bird-watching book includes stunning full-color photographs of over 650 birds, revealing each species with unrivaled clarity. A lavish introduction describes bird characteristics and behavior, while stunning full-color photographs reveal individual species for easy identification. The 550 most commonly seen birds are pictured in clear, close-up photographs, with images of similar birds provided to make differentiation easy, from game birds and waterfowl to shorebirds and swifts to owls, hummingbirds, finches, and so many more.
- 650 birds species found in the United States and Canada
- Bird profiles feature: social behavior, nesting & feeding habits, and flight patterns.
- Full-color photographs: adult birds in typical plumage, with male/female, juvenile, and seasonal variations
- Color-coded maps highlight resident and migratory distributions to help spotters discover which species to expect when and where
-Includes bird sound audio app for mobile phone use
- Produced in association with the American Museum of Natural History, one of the world’s leading authorities on ornithology
Updated edition Nov 2020