The folded map of Halifax Dartmouth & Area includes detailed city mapping, at 1:25,000 of Halifax, Dartmouth and area, street index, legend and a downtown map of Halifax at 1:15,000.
The detailed city map features include divided highways, major roads, secondary roads, main thoroughfares, minor streets, lanes / private streets, interchange numbers, one way streets, railways, VIA Rail stations, ferries, recreation trails, parks / conservation areas, golf courses, commercial areas, cemeteries, institutional areas, industrial areas, National Defence, hospitals, tourist information canters, police stations, fire halls, municipal / regional buildings, courthouses, libraries, points of interest, liquor stores, casinos, marinas / yacht clubs, national parks / historic sites, arenas, community / recreation canters, pools, baseball, soccer, tennis, skiing, campgrounds, public schools.
Updated edition 2023